USE THE EVOO, is healthy, has more flavor and keeps better the temperature while cooking compared to the rest of the oils.
Most common known oil for frying is the seeds oil (sunflowers, mais, peanuts etc)
Why? It's cheap..but not healthy at all!
What happens when we fry and the oil cooks:
Each oil has the so-called smoke point; it is the temperature after the oil start to release toxic substances.
-Here the ranking of the common oils:
-Mais - 160°C
-Sunflowers -130°C
-Peanuts -180°C
-Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 210°
Among the most common oils, the best and the healthiest also for frying, is the EVOO.
It means that the oil get the smoked point at 210°C, it’s 100% natural, and has nice flower.
In fact, the high percentage of monounsaturated fats, and the low presence of the polyunsaturated fats, helps the EVOO to keep better the temperature and avoid to release dangerous substances while cooking.
It demonstrate the the EVOO is the best choice among the oils we can use for frying our delicious food.
- -Fry your food dipped in the oil; be sure to put into the pan the right quantity of oil.
- -The temperature; before starting to put the food in the pan, check the temperature of the oil, (do not start cooking when the oil is not hot enough).
- The best temperature is 175 C. You can also easily understand if it’s ready, putting in some small quantity of bread or food you want to cook. If it makes bubbles and the food doesn't stick in the bottom of the pan, it means it is ready for cooking.
- -Fry the food in small quantities, do not dip in the oil a lot of food at the same time. The oil’s temperature will decrease and the food won't fry.
Choose the right oil; fried food is not can become, but by using the wrong oil.
Enjoy your frying:)